Sports And Leisure Facilities
Social and Cultural Life and Sports Facilities
As its motto also announces, Toros University has the vision which is “beyond education, into life”. Our university supports scientific, social and cultural programs which contribute to the students’ personal growth along with their educational and training activities. It is involved in every kind of organizations, which help with their personal growth by bringing the students together with experts in their fields who can provide them with occupational development. Therefore, various conferences and panel discussions are organized every year and we ensure that these organizations are held through student clubs that are organized within the university body.
Student clubs
We have 29 student clubs in our university as follows:
Civil Engineering Student Club
Pediatric Development Club
Photography Club
Drama Club
Atatürkist Thought Club
Chess Club
Radio Club
Club of Healthy Life
Computer Sciences Club
Industrial Engineering and Productivity Club
Club of Creative Hands
LOSEV (The Foundation for Children with Leukemia) Toros Club
English Club
Club of Young Architects
Elecetric-Electronics Engineering Club
Atelier Club
Club of Public Health
Club of International Trade and Logistics
Dancing Club
The Green Crescent Club
Newcomers Club
Psychology Club
Club of Health Management
Club of Social Development
Toros Outdoor Sports Club
Research and Development and Self-improvement club
Damla Club
Golden Hands Club
Music Club
Our Department of Health, Culture and Sports, which aims to provide our students and personnel with the services of a sufficient and quality diet, accommodation, health, culture, sports, psychological counselling and guidance and opportunities to meet their social needs with contemporary methods in order to protect their physical and psychological health and make them useful for the society is willing to give any kind of support to the students for the clubs to be productive.
In the university library which contributes to our students’ personal and academic development, there are 10460 books, 365 printed journals and magazines with subscription, 23287 electronic journals and 14 databases.
Sport Complex
In our university, which has 12 social areas, there is also a Culture Centre for 500 persons and a conference hall for 200 persons. In addition, our campus has 2 indoor sports halls. The sport Complex covers an area of 6278 square meters and there are handball, basketball and volleyball fields in this area.
There are also areas for social activities such as:
1 indoor sports hall
1 indoor swimming pool
1 squash court
1 gymnasium
1 indoor ice-skating ring
Cafeteria, vitamin bar, buffet, sauna and Turkish bath
Our university contributes to our students’ improvement also by some publications. The Social Sciences Journal which is a refereed journal within the body of the Faculty of Economics Administrative and Social Sciences continues publication for 5 years. Besides, the activities of our students during the school year are highlighted by Toros Vision Magazine which is published every semester. Among our publications, there are also supplementary textbooks prepared by our academicians.