The Instıtute Of Socıal Scıences
Management Of Health Instıtutıons (Wıthout Thesıs)
Foundation |
Management of Health institutions Master’s Program started in 2015-2016 academic year within the body of Institute of Social Sciences. |
Qualification Awarded |
Master's Degree in Management of Health Institutions is given to the students who have successfully completed all of the thought courses of the programme. |
Level of Qualification: |
Second Cycle |
Admission & Registration Requirements |
Those who have four-year university degree can apply to the programs. No ALES requirement for the Non-thesis the quota the graduation points on 100.00-point system of the candidates are taken into consideration. |
Recognition of Prior Learning |
Students who have studied at other Universities may transfer to Toros University Programmes and the courses they have taken can be accepted under the conditions specified in the Directive of Toros University on Graduate Programs. Course Accreditation Table is developed for the candidates as the content of each course taken before should at least be %70 equivalent in the corresponding course. In case of credit inbalance 1credit lacking is acceptable. The student may ask exemption for maximum 3 courses which grades are AA, BA, BB, CB, or CC and not older than 3 years. The number of the courses taken as a special student that may be given exemption should not exceed %50 of the total number of courses in the program. |
Qualification Requirements and Regulations |
A four-year university degree. Total 10 courses and a Project course should be taken which are equivalent to 30 credits or not less than 60 ECTS. |
Profile of the Programme |
The objective of the Master of Management of Health institutions is to provide students with the knowledge and skills that are necessary for a successful career in both research and management. Management of Health institutions Master’s Program aims to train highly qualified professional health managers equipped with knowledge, skills and ideals to manage healthcare institutions, using foreign languages well, having a production oriented entrepreneurship, developed communication and leadership skills, and equipped with the principles, concepts, knowledge and skills required for the profession. |
Occupational Profiles of Graduates |
Students can find an opportunity leading an academic career. Graduates of this program work in different job titles in state sector and private sector. |
Access to Further Studies |
By the YÖK (Higher Education Council of Turkey) regulation, students with non-thesis graduate degree are not allowed to apply for a doctoral degree in Turkey. However, graduates of the programme can complete their doctoral degree abroad. |
Examination, Assessment and Grading Regulations |
All conditions for exams, grading and assessment are provided in the syllabus of the course. At least one midterm and one final exam for each course. A term project can also be assigned. The exams are generally in written form. Grading is performed according to 4-point system. The weight of the final exam should not be less than 50 percent and not more than 60 percent of the final grade. In addition to exams the student may also be assigned to prepare project or homework of which the weight is not more than 20 percent. All details can be found in the Directory of Toros University Graduate Programs. |
Graduation Requirements |
The graduation requirements for Program are a minimum CGPA of 2.00/4.00 and no failing grade for each course (no grade below CC, equivalent to 70 of the 100-point system) and a successful completion of Project for program as indicated in the Directive of Graduate Programs of Toros University. The total ECTS should not be less than 60. |
Mode of Study |
Full-Time |
Departmental Facilities |
Department of Management of Health institutions has a staff composed of 1 associated professor, 3 assistant professors. The office of the faculties of the department is equipped with computer, and ethernet connection. Some of classroosms are designed as technological classrooms, and furnished to use projection and sildedevices. Besides, the department also provides student and faculty exchange programs with inclusion of domestic and foreign universities, which are respectively Farabi, Erasmus programs. |
Contact Information | |
Head of Department | Prof. Dr. ABDULLAH ÇALIŞKAN |
Diploma Supplement & ECTS Coordinator of Department | Assoc. Prof. Dr. EMİNE ÖZLEM KÖROĞLU |
Postal Address | Toros Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Yüksekokulu, Sağlık Yönetimi Bölümü, Bahcelievler Merkez Kampusu |
Postal Code | 33140 |
Phone | +90324 325 33 00 |
Fax | +90324 325 33 01 |
Web Address | |
[email protected] | |
Country | Türkiye Cumhuriyeti |
City | Mersin |
Town | Yenişehir |