Vocatıonal School
Medıcal Imagıng Technıques

Course Information

Code Semester Theoretical Practice National Credit ECTS Credit
Hour / Week
ATA101 Fall 2 0 2 5

Prerequisites and co-requisites None
Language of instruction Turkish
Type Required
Level of Course Associate
Lecturer Lec. Ercan BOLAT
Mode of Delivery Face to Face
Suggested Subject None
Professional practise ( internship ) None
Objectives of the Course Revolution and similar concepts, the causes of the collapse of the Ottoman Empire in World War I, the reason for preparing the establishment of the Republic of Turkey, Armistice Armistice beginning on or after national awakening on the Occupation of Anatolia, Atatürk's personality and Samsun National fight preparatory period (congresses, Parliament's opening) and war era, abolition of the Sultanate. Lausanne Peace Treaty, the proclamation of the Republic described and examined. Atatürk's reforms and the Kemalist Thought system to provide accurate information about the History of the Republic of Turkey, the Turkish youth are raised in line with the Kemalist Thought System.
Contents of the Course Dissolution of the Ottoman Empire (XIX Yüyıl). Administrative reforms, I. and II. Constitutional Monarchy, Tripoli and Balkan Wars, World War I, Armistice Agreement, Wilson Principles, Paris Conference, M. Kemal's arrival in Samsun and situation in Anatolia, Amasya Circular, the National Congress, Opening of Parliament, Parliament 's organizations and insurrections Organization to constitution, establishment of regular army, I. İnönü, Kütahya - Eskişehir, Sakarya Wars and Grand Attack, Pacts during the War of Independence, the Lausanne Peace Treaty, abolishment of the Sultanate, revolutions in the political field, political party and multi-party political life pass attempts, revolutions in law, reorganization of social life, changes in the economic field, between 1923-1938, Turkish foreign policy, Turkish foreign policy after Atatürk, The Principles of Turkish Revolution (republicanism, populism, secularism, reformism, statism, nationalism). Supplementary Principl

Learning Outcomes of Course

# Learning Outcomes
1 Revolution and similar concepts of basic features, objectives and define their relationship with each other
2 Led to the fall of the Ottoman Empire has information about the internal and external factors
3 Innovation in the movement to save the Ottoman Empire from collapsing, identify the reasons for failure
4 At the end of World War explain the importance of the revival of the Turkish nation began under the leadership of Ataturk against the occupation of our country and the collapse of the Ottoman Empire
5 Wholeheartedly embrace the Turkish revolution and Ataturk's principles and explain the thinking defense
6 Various visual and written sources related to these subjects, materials and documents, and can gain practical skills to use.

Course Syllabus

# Subjects Teaching Methods and Technics
1 Introduction and Concept Analysis Course Lecture, discussion
2 internal and external causes and reasons for the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, the Turkish Revolution Lecture, discussion
3 innovation movement in the Ottoman Empire, Tanzimat, Firman, First Constitution II. Constitutionalism Lecture, discussion
4 Current Opinion in the Ottoman Empire (Ottomanism, Islamism, Westernism, Turkism.) Union and Progress Party came to power. March 31 incident, Tripoli War, the Balkan Wars Lecture, discussion
5 Causes of the First World War and the beginning of the war, the Ottoman Empire to join the war fronts and Results Lecture, discussion
6 Sharing agreements, the Ottoman Empire (Turkish Straits, London, Sykes Picot, St. Jean de Maurienne Ant.) The End of the World War I, Armenian incidents, Armistice Treaty Lecture, discussion
7 National Struggle Period, occupations across the nation and the country's situation and the activities of the Association, Mustafa Kemal Pasha's arrival in Istanbul and in view of the situation Lecture, discussion
8 Mid-term Exam
9 Mustafa Kemal to Samsun. Mustafa Kemal Pasha's activities in the basin, Amasya Circular, Erzurum Congress and its importance, Lecture, discussion
10 Balıkesir and Alaşehir Congresses. Sivas Congress and significance, other Congresses during the National Struggle Lecture, discussion
11 Amasya Meetings, meetings with commanders in Sivas. Representative Council's arrival in Ankara. collection of the last Ottoman members of Parliament, the National Pact Lecture, discussion
12 the opening of Parliament, Qualifications. National Struggle in the press, Parliament against the riots. Turkey share schemes Lecture, discussion
13 Establishment of the National Army (Kuva-yi Milli, Army), South and South East Side, East Side (Parliament - Soviet Russia Relations) Lecture, discussion
14 Armenian Issue, the wars against the Armenian Parliament - Georgia relations, the Western Front (I. and II. İnönü wars, Kütahya - Eskişehir Wars) Lecture, discussion
15 Sakarya Battle, Grand Attack, Mudanya Armistice, Abolition of the Sultanate Lecture, discussion
16 Final Exam

Course Syllabus

# Material / Resources Information About Resources Reference / Recommended Resources
1 AİİT Ders Notları

Method of Assessment

# Weight Work Type Work Title
1 40% Mid-Term Exam Mid-Term Exam
2 60% Final Exam Final Exam

Relationship between Learning Outcomes of Course and Program Outcomes

# Learning Outcomes Program Outcomes Method of Assessment
1 Revolution and similar concepts of basic features, objectives and define their relationship with each other 14 1͵2
2 Led to the fall of the Ottoman Empire has information about the internal and external factors 14 1͵2
3 Innovation in the movement to save the Ottoman Empire from collapsing, identify the reasons for failure 14 1͵2
4 At the end of World War explain the importance of the revival of the Turkish nation began under the leadership of Ataturk against the occupation of our country and the collapse of the Ottoman Empire 14 1͵2
5 Wholeheartedly embrace the Turkish revolution and Ataturk's principles and explain the thinking defense 14 1͵2
6 Various visual and written sources related to these subjects, materials and documents, and can gain practical skills to use. 14 1͵2
PS. The numbers, which are shown in the column Method of Assessment, presents the methods shown in the previous table, titled as Method of Assessment.

Work Load Details

# Type of Work Quantity Time (Hour) Work Load
1 Course Duration 14 2 28
2 Course Duration Except Class (Preliminary Study, Enhancement) 14 2 28
3 Presentation and Seminar Preparation 0 0 0
4 Web Research, Library and Archival Work 0 0 0
5 Document/Information Listing 0 0 0
6 Workshop 0 0 0
7 Preparation for Midterm Exam 0 0 0
8 Midterm Exam 1 1 1
9 Quiz 0 0 0
10 Homework 0 0 0
11 Midterm Project 0 0 0
12 Midterm Exercise 0 0 0
13 Final Project 0 0 0
14 Final Exercise 0 0 0
15 Preparation for Final Exam 1 2 2
16 Final Exam 1 1 1