Instıtute Of Graduate Educatıon
Management Master's Program (Wıthout Thesıs)

Course Information

Code Semester Theoretical Practice National Credit ECTS Credit
Hour / Week
İŞL501 Spring 3 0 3 0

Prerequisites and co-requisites None
Language of instruction Turkish
Type Required
Level of Course Master's
Lecturer Asst.Prof.Dr. Metin OCAK
Mode of Delivery Face to Face
Suggested Subject None
Professional practise ( internship ) None
Objectives of the Course At the completion of this course, students will be able to: Learn differences between science and other information resources, process of scientific research, measures taken into account to inquire any issue, making any issue researchable, bias resources, measurement and types of measures, validity and reliability, methods of sampling, and research designs. Know how to use questionnaire, interviewing and observation methods
Contents of the Course Definition of knowledge, utilizing, creative science, the rule of writing in dissertation, and modern techniques.

Learning Outcomes of Course

# Learning Outcomes
1 Uses the basic concept.
2 To employ the knowledge of methodology gained when determining research questions and and during the research process
3 To investigate the previous emprical and conceptual studies on the research subject and relate these to the current research.
4 To categorize the research questions and hypothesis’ and to formulate proper questions and hypothesis.
5 Uses tables, figures and graphs.
6 To design a proper research process regarding the context and to propose research strategy.

Course Syllabus

# Subjects Teaching Methods and Technics
1 Course description: Content, necessity, importance, forming expectations, explaining the process and the evaluation criteria. Science and an overview of the scientific method. Lecture, discussion, practice
2 The definition of science, functions, and types of information, General Research Types Lecture, discussion, practice
3 Paper / thesis examination Lecture, discussion, practice
4 Proposing topics for research proposals Lecture, discussion, practice
5 Determination of the topic and the problem statement for a research proposal Lecture, discussion, practice
6 Data collection tools - reliability Lecture, discussion, practice
7 Data collection tools - validity Lecture, discussion, practice
8 Mid-term Exam
9 Data analysis (descriptive statistics) Lecture, discussion, practice
10 Delivery made in writing of the article thinning Lecture, discussion, practice
11 Data analysis Lecture, discussion, practice
12 Writing of the Introduction Lecture, discussion, practice
13 Delivery of Article thinning made in writing Lecture, discussion, practice
14 Writing a scan of the literature • Decide on the data collection tool for Proposal Lecture, discussion, practice
15 Qualitative Research Lecture, discussion, practice
16 Final Exam

Course Syllabus

# Material / Resources Information About Resources Reference / Recommended Resources
1 Remzi Altunışık vd. (2005). Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntemleri: SPSS Uygulamalı. Sakarya Kitabevi
2 Niyazi Karaasar (2002). Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemi. Nobel yayınlar.

Method of Assessment

# Weight Work Type Work Title
1 40% Mid-Term Exam Mid-Term Exam
2 60% Final Exam Final Exam

Relationship between Learning Outcomes of Course and Program Outcomes

# Learning Outcomes Program Outcomes Method of Assessment
1 Uses the basic concept. 9͵14 1͵2
2 To employ the knowledge of methodology gained when determining research questions and and during the research process 9͵14 1͵2
3 To investigate the previous emprical and conceptual studies on the research subject and relate these to the current research. 9͵14 1͵2
4 To categorize the research questions and hypothesis’ and to formulate proper questions and hypothesis. 9͵14 1͵2
5 Uses tables, figures and graphs. 9͵14 1͵2
6 To design a proper research process regarding the context and to propose research strategy. 9͵14 1͵2
PS. The numbers, which are shown in the column Method of Assessment, presents the methods shown in the previous table, titled as Method of Assessment.

Work Load Details

# Type of Work Quantity Time (Hour) Work Load
1 Course Duration 14 3 42
2 Course Duration Except Class (Preliminary Study, Enhancement) 14 4 56
3 Presentation and Seminar Preparation 1 10 10
4 Web Research, Library and Archival Work 6 2 12
5 Document/Information Listing 0 0 0
6 Workshop 0 0 0
7 Preparation for Midterm Exam 1 25 25
8 Midterm Exam 1 2 2
9 Quiz 0 0 0
10 Homework 0 0 0
11 Midterm Project 0 0 0
12 Midterm Exercise 0 0 0
13 Final Project 0 0 0
14 Final Exercise 0 0 0
15 Preparation for Final Exam 1 30 30
16 Final Exam 1 3 3