Faculty Of Engıneerıng
Computer And Software Engıneerıng

Course Information

Code Semester Theoretical Practice National Credit ECTS Credit
Hour / Week
CSE215 Fall 2 2 3

Prerequisites and co-requisites None
Language of instruction English
Type Elective
Level of Course Bachelor's
Lecturer Asst. Prof. Furkan GÖZÜKARA
Mode of Delivery Face to Face
Suggested Subject none
Professional practise ( internship ) None
Objectives of the Course In this course, the fundamentals of object oriented programming will be taught. You will be able to code and utilize methods and classes very effectively after taking this course. Object oriented programming is the primary programming discipline used in modern programming. Therefore, this course is one of the primary and most important courses that any software engineer should take.
Contents of the Course Basic Programming Subjects, .NET Subjects, Programming Language Subjects, Methods, Classes, Name Spaces, IO Processes, Object Oriented Programming Technique, Advaced C# Subjects, ADO.NET, LINQ to SQL.

Learning Outcomes of Course

# Learning Outcomes
1 To know about object oriented programming.
2 To know about application scope.
3 To get experience on Programming C#.
4 Students shall get professional skills on developing software independently.

Course Syllabus

# Subjects Teaching Methods and Technics
1 Introduction to Object Oriented Programming with C# and Visual Studio. Private and Public Access Modifiers. Public and Private Classes. Class Properties and Fields. Get and Set Methods. Dictionaries. LinQ. If, Try, Catch, and Methods. Method Extensions. String Format. User Defined Class. TryParse. Throw ArgumentException. Lecture, discussion, presentation
2 CLR,CTS,JIT, IL Lang. and .NET Runtime Model, Assembly, Namespaces, First App Hello world!, Base Data Types and Memory Stacks, Definiton of Variables, Value and Reference Types, Object Class Lecture, discussion, presentation
3 Type conversion, Checked and Unchecked Blocks, Boxing and Unboxing, Tostring() Method and Convert Class, Operators, Bitwise Operators, Special Operators Lecture, discussion, presentation
4 If and Switch, Loop Structures, For Loop, While and Do-While Loop, Foreach Loop, Assignin, Arrays, Array Definition, High Dimesional Arrays, Matrix Arrays, Irregular Arrays Lecture, discussion, presentation
5 System.Array Class, Methods and Funtions, Ref out Out Keywords Lecture, discussion, presentation
6 Method overloading and sign, Recursive Methods, Main Methods and kinds, Intoduction to Class, Defining Objects, adding method to class, This keyword Lecture, discussion, presentation
7 Members of Classess, Constructor Methods, Destructor Methods, Properties, Indexers, Static Members, Statik Methods and Contructor Methods Lecture, discussion, presentation
8 Const and Readonly Elements, Structures, Difference of Structures and Classes, Enumerators, System.Enum Class, Definiton of Namespace, Using Statement, Give Pseudo name to types by Using statement, Nested Namespaces Lecture, discussion, presentation
9 Midterm Break Project
10 Datetime, Datetdiff, Bitconverter and Buffer Classes, Gc Mechanism and GC Class, Base I/O Processes, File and directory Processes, Reading and Writing Files, Binarywriter and Binaryreader Classes, Stream, Standard stream redirection, Basic String Processes, Split and Join, Formatting Text, Regex Lecture, discussion, presentation
11 Object Oriented Programming, Object Model, Construction of DLL files, Inheritance, Access identifiers (Public,Private...), Versioning, Base and derived Classes Lecture, discussion, presentation
12 Hide names and Overriding, Polymorhism, Abstract Methods and Classes, Sealed Classes, Overloading and Overriding, Interfaces Lecture, discussion, presentation
13 Exception management, Throw,Catch,Try,Finally Blocks, Delegates, Multiple Delegates, Delegate and Multicast Delegate Classes, Events, Event Based Programming, Add and Remove tags Lecture, discussion, presentation
14 Generics, Iterators, Anonymous Methods, Partial Types Var typle local variables, Lecture, discussion, presentation
15 Anonymous Types, Extension Methods, Lambda Expressions, Query Expressions, Dynamic expressions Lecture, discussion, presentation
16 Final Project Delivery Exam

Course Syllabus

# Material / Resources Information About Resources Reference / Recommended Resources

Method of Assessment

# Weight Work Type Work Title
1 40% Mid-Term Exam Mid-Term Exam
2 60% Final Exam Final Exam

Relationship between Learning Outcomes of Course and Program Outcomes

# Learning Outcomes Program Outcomes Method of Assessment
1 To know about object oriented programming. 2͵3͵4 1͵2
2 To know about application scope. 2͵3͵4 1͵2
3 To get experience on Programming C#. 2͵3͵4 1͵2
4 Students shall get professional skills on developing software independently. 2͵3͵4 1͵2
PS. The numbers, which are shown in the column Method of Assessment, presents the methods shown in the previous table, titled as Method of Assessment.

Work Load Details

# Type of Work Quantity Time (Hour) Work Load
1 Course Duration 14 4 56
2 Course Duration Except Class (Preliminary Study, Enhancement) 0 0 0
3 Presentation and Seminar Preparation 0 0 0
4 Web Research, Library and Archival Work 0 0 0
5 Document/Information Listing 0 0 0
6 Workshop 0 0 0
7 Preparation for Midterm Exam 0 0 0
8 Midterm Exam 1 10 10
9 Quiz 0 0 0
10 Homework 0 0 0
11 Midterm Project 1 10 10
12 Midterm Exercise 0 0 0
13 Final Project 0 0 0
14 Final Exercise 0 0 0
15 Preparation for Final Exam 0 0 0
16 Final Exam 1 4 4